How to generate 2D meshes with pMesh

Since pMesh does not support 2D meshes, here is a workflow for 2D polyhedral meshes.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Start with a *.stl file of your domain

    1. Generated with external software

    2. Exported from OpenFOAM from a hexahedral blockMesh (useful for simple geometries, e.g. rectangular domains)
      Utility to export a surface *.stl file:

      ?> foamToSurface -tri surfaceMesh.stl
  2. Convert the *.stl to *.fms

    	?> surfaceToFMS surfaceMesh.stl

    and optionally edit the patch names in the *.fms file.

  3. Edit the system/meshDict file

    Adapt the maximum cell size in m to your domain size and generate boundary layers for the “empty” patches

    // mandatory settings
    //  - relative or absolute
    surfaceFile     "surfaceMesh.fms";
    //  - maximum cell size
    maxCellSize 0.014;
    // optional global options
    //  - refinement of cells at the boundaries
    boundaryCellSize 0.014;
    boundaryCellSizeRefinementThickness 0.014;
    //  - performs refinement where cells are larger than feature size
    minCellSize 0.014;
        // global options in dictionary (optional)
        //  - number of layers
        nLayers 2;
        //  - thicknes ratio
        thicknessRatio 1.1;
        //  - maximum thickness of first layer [m]
        maxFirstLayerThickness 0.014;
        // local settings
                //  - number of layers (optional)
                nLayers 2;
                //  - thickness ratio (optional)
                thicknessRatio 1.1;
                //  - max thickness of first layer (optional) [m]
                maxFirstLayerThickness 0.1;
                //  - active of inactive
                allowDiscontinuity 0;
                //  - number of layers (optional)
                nLayers 2;
                //  - thickness ratio (optional)
                thicknessRatio 1.1;
                //  - max thickness of first layer (optional) [m]
                maxFirstLayerThickness 0.1;
                //  - active of inactive
                allowDiscontinuity 0;
        optimiseLayer 1;
            featureSizeFactor 0.3;
            nSmoothNormals 20;
            maxNumIterations 20;
            reCalculateNormals  1;
            relThicknessTol 0.01;
  4. Generate the mesh with pMesh

  5. Edit the system/extrudeMeshDict to extrude a 2D mesh from an empty patch

    constructFrom patch;
    // If construct from patch/mesh:
    sourceCase "../meshTrg";
    sourcePatches (front);
    // If construct from patch: patch to use for back (can be same as sourcePatch)
    exposedPatchName front;
    // If construct from surface:
    //surface "movingWall.stl";
    // Flip surface normals before usage. Valid only for extrude from surface or
    // patch.
    flipNormals false;
    // Linear extrusion in point-normal direction
    extrudeModel        linearNormal;
    nLayers             1;
    expansionRatio      1.0;
        thickness       0.06;
    // Do front and back need to be merged? Usually only makes sense for 360
    // degree wedges.
    mergeFaces false;
    // Merge small edges. Fraction of bounding box.
    mergeTol 0;
  6. Extrude the mesh

    ?> extrudeMesh

To obtain good polyhedral boundary faces it is sometimes useful to rotate the domain by 45° before pMesh is executed.
E.g. before exporting the surface file in step 1.b. execute

?> transformPoints -rotate-angle '((1 0 0) 45)'

and rotate the domain back before step 6.

?> transformPoints -rotate-angle '((1 0 0) -45)'

See also